worker code

code of conduct ideas

other notes

What are the aims of worker co-operatives?

Co-op capacity development: culture & framework
Business development: entrepreneurship
Ecosystem development: connecting with communities

co-op entrepreneurship

What do co-op entrepreneurs do? There tend to be three startup work areas.

Co-op capacity development: culture & framework


Co-op capacity development: culture & framework
This work supports the group to function effectively together

What is our team's shared vision?

Who is a member and who is not?

Rights: patronage, educational opportunities, vote/run for worker board reps, bylaws, polices, financial

Responsibilities: fees, labor, budget, losses. Educating yourself & others. Vote, autogestión, transparency

How do we delegate work?

How can we all engage & contribute?

How do we hold each other accountable?

Why didn't you do the task? Do you need more information? More support? Do you have too much on your plate?



Business development: entrepreneurship


development: connecting with communities